Sunday, October 20, 2013

Chilly days here in Roselle

Yep, it's cold.  I know, I know, we live in the midwest.  It gets cold.  And it's not even really REALLY cold yet.  But I'm a sissy and I don't like it.  Especially when you have three little people to bundle up.  But anyway, we had a lovely week.  We did some small, decorative pumpkins...
 Footie jammies are all the rage in our house right now.  We discovered we have the same pair in Sam size and Isaac size, so voila!  Pretty cute, huh?  Funny how they don't really look 3 years apart in age.
 Mike got his long awaited tattoo this week.  He didn't reveal what he was getting, though the boys and I had fun guessing (unicorn, mommy's portrait, and spiderman were all guesses).  If you have read the Game of Thrones books, you might recognize the Targaryen House sigil.  It happens to be a three headed dragon.  Fitting, I think.  He has some more shading to get done and some chrome or copper coloring to get done as well.  But we all think it's pretty awesome!
 Since the weather is cooling down, we've been trying to find more indoor activities to keep everyone busy.  We tried out some foam dough, a combo of shaving cream and cornstarch.  Pretty neat!

 Isaac just likes to be involved in everything, watching his brothers is his favorite thing to do!

 Mike's run of night shift seems to be coming to a close (hopefully this week is the end of it).  I've been a bit indulgent with my last baby here, he spends a lot of evenings snuggled up with me on the couch.  This has to be one of my favorite parts of the day.
 On Saturday we spent the day outside between Noah's soccer game, me going to stand in line at a used toy sale, and going to Nick's football game.  Good thing this guy has a protective layer of chub chub.
 #84 played like a champ, the boys loved cheering him on and watching him race down the field.  Good cousin times had by all!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Final Fall weekend of fun at Diamond Lake

The three minions and I headed up to Michigan for a last lake weekend while Mike had his first week of bowling league play.  We arrived on Saturday afternoon, straight after Noah's soccer game.  The Skaggs brought some caramel apple fixings.  I'm not sure just how much actually made it ON the apples...
One last boat trip with the infamous Rodriguez trio!
On the island, we had some fun leaf pile jumping with Ella, Addie, Meg, and Big Uncle Dave.  Cute cousin love is too much!

Isaac was less than impressed.
Bampa has 3 willing and somewhat able co-captains these days!

When we woke up on Sunday morning, there was a beautiful mist hanging over the lake.
 We took our annual trip to Dinges Farm for some fall fun and pumpkin selecting.

 Noah was all over the pumpkin bounce house!

 The traditional picture by the spider with Bamma and Bampa!

 If you can't tell, Sam is doing a dinosaur ROAR while Noah is wagging his finger warning all who come near.  Typical.
 My 3 pumpkins!

 How can you deny this cute face anything?  Especially popcorn?!
 Naps were required.  Sam prefers to nap on TOP of Bampa, thankfully Bampa managed to convince him just to have his legs on Bampa.

 So, great great weekend of fun.  And... guess who's 7 months old?  This guy!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Used clothing sale? Must be fall...

It is fall, indeed it is.  Things are in full swing here with school, soccer, and various other fall like activities.  Bamma has had some fun halloween projects for this week.  The boys made minions ones day, so cute!
 Philie and I attended the fall Cossitt used clothing sale.  Pretty exciting stuff, no?
 Ellie has NO teeth, I'm serious, none, zip, zero, in the front of her mouth.  Years of chewing have literally worn them away.  So now when she gets tired, that tongue starts creeping out.  Funny stuff!
 Today we took a family trip to Sonny Acres.  We try to go each fall to enjoy the rides and the fall scenery.  It was pretty fun for the two older guys to ride horses.

 Noah proved yet again to be the daredevil, doing the huge slide and doing the spinning dragons.
 Sam preferred the cars.
 There was some goat feeding.
 And camel riding (by Sam).
 And the usual pose by the Spiderman picture.  This year with 3 boys!
 We also tackled the dreaded haircut with Sam.  He did MUCH better today, only tears and screams of "MOMMY STOP IT!" that had me slightly concerned the neighbors might call the cops.  But we made it through, and got a sucker at the end.
 Noah has a much easier time, but looks just as handsome!
 We got Noah's official soccer pictures this week too.  Although the mighty Strikers are 0-4, they bring a lot of enthusiasm to each game!
 My big man!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

6 months, 3 years, and a Kindergartener!

We marked Isaac's 6 month milestone by doing some pictures at Penney's.  I'm pretty biased, but aren't they stinking cute!  

 We also got Noah's official school picture this week too!  Here's our big 5 and a half year old!