Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Big boys keep on rolling...

Things just fly by around here, it's been really busy.  But mostly good busy.  Noah made Mike an adorable valentine's card.  If you cant read it, it says, "Dad, I love playing video games."  And he drew them with controllers, the bottom portion shows their characters.  Yes, Mike is raising him to be his gaming buddy.  I take solace in the fact that at least the kid can read and write, right?
 Someone turned 11 months old.  I cannot believe I have to start planning a first birthday party for this guy, what?!
 Another successful trip to the dentist for the older 2...
 Sam looks so bitty in the chair, but he did a great job getting his teeth cleaned.
 Noah has figured out how to use the camera on my phone even when it's locked.  I chuckle when I find gems like this in my album...
 We have been loving having Josh and Kjersten over every sunday, even Ellie finds a way to get snuggled in there.  Good thing we have a bigger couch now.
 Sam and Bampa have also been enjoying the extra space for Tuesday naps.  Well maybe not really since Sam still prefers to sleep ON Bampa.
 One of the dramas of the week was Noah getting bitten by a dog.  He is fine, fortunately.  My mom was walking him home from school when a rottweiler (on a leash, with an owner) lunged and got him on the arm.  Thank goodness he was wearing his heavy winter coat!
 I managed to get away this past weekend to hang out with these two lovelies!  We shopped till we dropped in Iowa City and had several calm, nice meals all on our own (read: No kids!).  It was very relaxing and so nice to catch up with these dear girls!
 I found this fantastic hat for my youngest, he looks hilarious!
As his first birthday approaches, we talk more and more about cutting his hair.  But I'm having a hard time letting go of these cute curls.  Maybe we'll wait till summer...

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ok Mr. Winter, we surrender!

I feel like I keep posting pictures of snow; us playing in the snow, another snowstorm, making some snow project.  I mean, I'm ok with snow, but after over 60 inches of it in one season I am D-O-N-E.  Seriously.

 A simple lesson in gravity.  Sure, go ahead and throw a snowball at mom on the deck, see how that works out for ya.  Darn physics!
 Baby boy has decided it's necessary to sprout 6 teeth all at once.  4 on top and 2 on bottom.  He's had some cranky bits, but for the most part he is dealing just fine.
 Noah's writing continues to improve.  His New Years Resolution this year is to walk his dog.  In the picture he's waving "hi Deven" to his friend across the street.
 Uncle Josh has been a savior on Sundays.  Mike goes bowling, which typically means mommy runs solo with 3 rambunctious boys for the afternoon/evening.  Uncle Josh comes over for dinner and some play time, which usually results in this...
 Noah's artwork also continues to impress us as well.  Here's a picture of Ellie.
 Last weekend was the Fun Fair at Waterbury Elementary (Noah's school).  The balloon artist was a favorite activity.  
 Sammy's dog actually survived a walk home in the snow and a whole week before deflating!
 Face paint, it's no Daddy job; but for middle school aged artists it ain't too shabby!

 Isaac's hair has been the topic of discussion lately.  I hate to cut it too much before my baby turns 1, but it is getting a tad ridiculous!
 Making a cake for our superbowl party requires a shirtless Sam.
 Bamma found some Jammy Sammys, which have been a big hit at snack time.
 Noah's been participating in a basketball class through the local park district.  Coach Bob (who was coach of the baseball class and soccer class) has been showing Noah the basics of dribbling and shooting.
 Anything to get the energy out of our housebound eldest on a Wednesday evening is a good thing!
 He still claims that soccer is his sport, but he's had a lot of fun!
 For Fun Friday this week, we decided to hit 2 Toots, the train restaurant in nearby Bartlett.
 It was better than TV, the boys were entranced!
 Even Isaac took pause from his meal (which is RARE) to check it out.

 And, of course, more snow came yesterday.  We really have no place to put it in our driveway.  I was hefting scoopfuls onto piles that were 4-5 feet high!  You can see the height here where Noah is as tall as our outside lamppost!
 Check it out mom, I can touch the tree!
So, I'm hoping this is my last post with snow pictures for the 2013-2014 season.  I really do.  Can we get to June now?  That would be great, thanks.