Saturday, February 19, 2022

Catching up in 2022!

We enjoyed our holiday season for sure.  We did the Brookfield Zoo holiday magic which was awesome!

Noah embraced ugly sweater day!
Lots of time for kitty snuggles!
Christmas Eve with the Rodriguez Family never disappoints.  Isaac got a plush poop that even makes noise!

Christmas Day began bright and early, someone was less than ready.
Some favorite gifts included a skateboard for Isaac.
Pizza hoodie blanket for Noah.
Hufflepuff hoodie for me!
Kjersten is lending us her piano for awhile, very exciting stuff!
Giant candy bars from Bamma!
And of course, a giant box!
It was nice to have lots of time to just hang out.

We also got to spend time with our friends the Townsends.  Noah and Monica compared massage guns.
NYE skillet cookie!
Crazy cat antics!

Huge highlight was Noah getting his 2nd degree black belt and new uniform.  Way to go kiddo!
Big kid needs big plate of chicken!
Cat patrol, keeping cats from the counter is his job!
Olympic ring theme night!
More cat snuggles!
Weird times in education.
He is his own Valentine!
Much love to all!