Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hill-Billy Baby!

If anyone else listens to Eric and Kathy in the morning on the radio, you'll know that last week they were discussing "hill billy babies." This husband wrote an email about his wife always keeping their baby in only a diaper and a t-shirt, thus making him a hill billy baby. Well this weekend Noah was also a hill billy baby. It started out with a fun game in the laundry basket, where he eventually ended up in a baby cage. Then he pooped out his clothes and was due to eat (he's eating sweet potatoes now, whoopie!), so I decided to just to leave him in his diaper for his meal. He thought this was hilarious and giggled thru the whole meal. He ended the day by grabbing his bowl and throwing it on the floor purposely so that Ellie could have some. This boy, I tell you!

1 comment:

Stan and Jess said...

I love him in the basket!