Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rockin' Out: Baby Style

Well, we all survived the big weekend. Britt and Quint flew in from Colorado (Britt is our friend from Mike's Iowa State days and Quint is her boyfriend). Andrea, Nic, and Ayla (Andrea is my friend from Grad school) drove in from Des Moines. Everyone arrived on Friday night and we awoke to babies ready to play on Saturday morning. We had such a blast! Noah loves his Aunt Andrea because she gives him graham crackers and such. Saturday was also my friend Kelly's 30th birthday. Kelly now lives way out in Seattle, but we honored her by having Noah wear his Ghandi shirt from Kelly on her special day. The weekend was a roaring success filled with food, baby play and Rock Band. We had lots of visitors, including Grandma Chris and Grandpa Phil who brought popsicles for the kids. It was sad when everyone had to leave, but we were pooped too! Noah's been rocking the 2 hour naps since then. Thanks to everyone that came, we had a fantastic time!

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