Monday, March 29, 2010

Spiderman turns 2!

Well, it's a good thing that I'm on spring break this week because we are recovering from many fun birthday experiences from the past weekend. On Friday (his actual birthday) we had special blueberry pancakes with daddy before he left for work. Then it was off to the zoo with Fred and Philie. No pictures from the zoo because it was cold and the boys preferred just cozying up in the double stroller. Fred gave Noah some spiderman pjs which he LOVES. For whatever reason Noah is big into spiderman lately. The pjs (see the first picture) have web wings on the shirt that flap in the breeze. You can also see the lime green color of his big boy room in that picture. We actually let him watch part of the spiderman movie for his birthday, during dinner, what a night! Then on Saturday the Rodriguez crew came over. Noah got some spiderman shirts, no surprise there, and lots of other cute clothes. He also got an inflatable sponge bob sleeping bag that he adores. He snuggled with his cousins in there for awhile. We wrapped up the weekend yesterday by decorating eggs with a kit that was another gift from Fred. It had all marvel superhero decorations, which he loved. Whew. So today we're going to take it easy and head to the doctor for his 2 year check up!

1 comment:

Stan and Jess said...

ooooohhh.... good paint color, I see how that could have been disastrous but it is really nice.