Sunday, January 30, 2011

6 months old!

Here are Sammy's 6 month pictures. We haven't had his dr appointment yet, so we don't know his stats. The hair continues to impress/amaze us. His personality is starting to come out. He is more active than Noah was, always arching and stretching around. He's also more vocal about things and lets us know when he's peeved. He is sleeping through the night consistently now 7:30pm-5:30am which is wonderful. Sometimes he loves the fafa (pacifier), sometimes not. (Noah was a fafa addict by this age). Sam is also doing 2-3 solid meals nowadays with cereal and some fruits and veggies, taking the solids well and bottles not so much (Noah was the opposite!). All in all, a great baby!

And just for kicks, here is a picture of Noah at 6 months. Yes, they are VERY different looking we think. Noah is more Rodriguez and Sam is more Hewes. Noah had the dark eyes and Sam has a ton more hair. Noah was bigger, Sam is goofier with the smiles. Both are pretty dang cute, though!

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