Friday, April 13, 2012


Well we have been busy the past 2 weeks! There was a quick zoo trip, which was fun...
Then the Worst crew came over for an Easter bird nest project. Every cooking project requires safety goggles, right Calvin?
And chef's aprons too...
Devilish looks also welcomed....
And voila, edible birds' nests, thanks to Aunt Philie's creative prowess!
Then pre-Easter weekend was spent at Bamma and Bampa's doing some egg decorations.
We were able to limit most of the messiness!
Then there was an Easter party at school, complete with Bunny hop performance...
And a quick impromptu egg hunt with Evie on the Thursday before Easter...

On Good Friday, Spiderman made an appearance...
Along with Nick and Francesca and Auntie Kim...
Finally Easter was here, we woke up at Bamma and Bampa's house to 4 easter baskets filled to the gills with fun stuff for the boys.
More toys? Yes, more toys, Noah!
For Josh's birthday, Mike made this masterpiece. We were too nervous to complete construction at our house, hence we spent the night before Easter at my parents house. Mike did a great job (I mixed the batter!).
The boys in their Easter fineries. Polo shirts are our formalwear!
Ah yes, they can be cute at some points...
It was a beautiful Easter Sunday!
And the Birthday man enjoyed his cake. So, Happy Happy to my husband, my father, and my brother. Yep, all together in one week. Someone turned 60 (eeeek!), someone turned 34, and someone turned 30, but I ain't naming names. You do the math.

1 comment:

KEO said...

I love seeing the similar glint of mischief in Noah's and Sam's eyes. Sam is getting so big!

Joshie is 30?!?!! That is crazy speak. That cake was awesome.

Love the update!