Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Fathers Day!

We have had a BUSY last few days.  It's nice to sit down on Monday morning and have no plans and no outings.  Whew.  Sam has been dabbling in the art of potty training.  We've met with mixed results and we're not pushing it.  I'm pretty sure this is what the iPad was designed for, no?
 I realized I had a Groupon for Santa's Village, so we headed there on Friday.  It was me alone with the 3 monsters.  The weather was perfect and I knew it was going to be a good day when the big man himself greeted us at the front entrance!
 Noah was our adventurous one who went on all the rides.  He even wanted to try out the roller coaster, but wasn't big enough to go on his own.  Sam preferred to watch Noah and yell, "Make sure you sit down, Noah!"
 We got to feed lot of animals including this hungry donkey.
 Noah did the rocket ship solo and was up in the air for most of the ride.  He said this was his favorite part of the day.  My little daredevil!
 After a nice lunch for all in the shade and an exhausting trip to the bathroom, I strapped on Isaac in the carrier and we did a carriage ride all together.  Love spending special time with my boys!
 Santa had asked us to check on his reindeer, so we did.  They were doing just fine, enjoying some dips in the little kiddie pools of water that were out for them.
 We wrapped up our visit with a pony ride.  Noah rode all by himself, no trouble.
 Sam actually opted in for this one and I walked with him to make sure his little booty didn't slide off.  Sam said this was his favorite part of the day.
 I had promised we could get a special treat at Santa's Village, but we were dying to get out of the heat/sun and head home.  So, instead of buying 5 dollar ice cream cones there, we stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way home.  Good times!
 On Saturday we geared up for Father's Day by creating two of these, one for each Grandpa.  Thank goodness for Pinterest and my good friend Andrea, because I'm not the world's most proficient crafter.  But I'm pleased with how it turned out :)
 Beloved family pet, or comfy couch cushion?
 On Sunday we spent the day at Papa's house.  Isaac is big enough now that Papa enjoys holding him.  You can't tell it now, but I'm pretty sure all that hair came from Papa!
 Our boys are so lucky to have cousins that take care of them, spend time with them, and float around the pool with them.  Don't they look like they could all be siblings?  I tried to convince my sister in law that they were all hers, but it didn't work.
 Isaac loves being outside.  He just sleeps and enjoys the fresh air.  
 The pool was chilly, but the kids didn't mind.  Noah swims like a fish with the life jacket on.
 And Sam enjoyed playing with Auntie Kimmie and splashing just about everyone there.
 Hope you all had a lovely Fathers Day!  Please enjoy this latest hair style of Isaac's.  I have to have my fun now before he demands the trim his brothers have!  

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