Monday, July 1, 2013

June wrap up

While we prepare for all the fun that July has to offer (4th of July, Sam's birthday, etc) we had a pretty quiet week around here.  But it was still fun and productive, which are my main two goals of summertime.  Bampa has managed to successfully indoctrinate the boys into the Colorado State/Cam the Ram fan club.  I'm amazed we have gear to fit all three boys in their current sizes.
 The reward for last week's behavior chart was mini-golfing with Mommy.  Ms. Laura stayed home with Isaac so the big guys and I could hit the links.  
 The project of the week was Lego organizing!  It may not seem glamorous, but it's been on my mind lately as we acquire more and more Legos and I realize this is only the beginning of Lego Land in our home.  Ergo, a simple system was needed.  Boom, Pinterest to the rescue!  I found a system someone was using for Lego storage that was from Ikea.  So after mini golf I ran out and got it.  The boys and I spent the better part of 2 days sorting legos into colors.
 And voila!  Here it is!  Again, may not be the most exciting for you all, but for me it made my week :)
 We made some glitter goo/slime with clear glue, glitter, food coloring, water, and borax.  Awesome!

 Some cheap eye patches more than paid for themselves through hours of Nick Fury and pirate role playing.  Yep, that's a one eyed spiderman there, betcha never heard of him, eh?
 And Sam walked Ellie, or Ellie walked Sam.  Depending on how you look at it.
 Lastly, we got Isaac's 3 month pictures.  He is so dang cute with his coy little smiles now!

So here are our 3 boys each at 3 months.  First Noah, then Sam, then Isaac.  We think that Isaac looks like both of his brothers.  He has more Noah-like features (coloring, face shape, and nose), but some Sam too (eyes and mouth).  And the hair, well the hair stands on it's own.  Ike makes a very strong case for us to stop having kids before I give birth to a 14 pound chimpanzee.  He is the biggest and hairiest of the brood!  We can't wait to see who he looks like as he grow!

1 comment:

KEO said...

Ike's hair is just phenomenal!
And I love the Lego Organizing System - that must have felt so good! Looks like you are giving your boys an awesome summer!!