Saturday, January 24, 2015

January Happenings

The post holiday blues haven't hit us, because we've been having just as much fun as ever!  Recently, we celebrated Nick's 13th birthday.  Cake, pinball and general mischief enjoyed by all!

 Noah has really been enjoying his bed tent he received at Christmas.  He specifically asked that I take his picture and post it because he loves it so much!
 Cozy on the couch!
 New project this week was trying candied orange peels.  Highly recommend, they are DELICIOUS!
 The weather got just a titch more bearable last weekend, so Daddy headed out for some snow fort construction with the big 2.
 Nice work, gents!
 The next day brought near 40 temps, so the fort lost wall integrity.  So we sent out our most destructive child to finish the job.
 Sam 1, Fort 0.
 Bamma project of the week, Cute Eskimos with speech bubbles.  Noah says, "Take me to Florida RIGHT NOW!"  Sam says, "I like ice cream."  Isaac says, "Want to build an igloo?"
 Crazy hair day approached on Friday, so Daddy did some awesome mohawk work.

 We added some orange spray and we were ready to go!
 This kid continues his reign as momma's boy supreme.  Maybe I encourage it, a little, just maybe...

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