So, we are back at it, school 2015! Noah and I both started on the same day this year. So off I went to begin my 5th year in Hinsdale, and off he went to begin 2nd grade. Mike went in late so that he could take him for the first day. They walked over with the neighbors on Wednesday 8/19/15.
Big 2nd graders! Not in the same class this year, boo!
Ready to start the year in Mrs. Maslowski's class!
He was excited, not too anxious this year. I think he felt pretty confident that he knew the drill this year, so it was a pretty easy start. Sam is doing another year of preschool and that doesn't start up till after Labor Day.
I was home on Friday, so we celebrated the end of the first week with popsicles!
So we've settled into our weekly schedule. This year I'm working Tues/Wed/Thurs with my parents here on Tuesday and our nanny, Laura, here on Wed/Thurs. The younger two have enjoyed some outside play during this cooler week (in the 70s!). Isaac likes to "fix" things with giant sticks.
And yes, we're back in homework mode. It's never fun, but fortunately Noah knows his strengths and weaknesses...
And so, here we go, into another (hopefully) successful school year!