Sunday, November 6, 2016

Halloween 2016 and THE WORLD SERIES CHAMPS!

 The month of October seemed to pass so fast this year!  Prior to the big costumed holiday, we had some other fun.  Isaac is just at a fun age, he makes us laugh daily when he isn't having a fit!
 He had his first school picture day and practiced posing at home beforehand.
This is one of the proofs, they are all adorable :)
 I went to a conference in Minnesota with a team of coworkers.  It was a lot of learning packed into 3 days, but some fun too.  My coworker Randy tried to steal a hat from one of the vendors, it did not work.
 Meanwhile, back at home, the boys were in good hands with Daddy, Mrs. Laura, and Bamma and Bampa!
 The rest of my crew in Minnesota, such a great group to work with!
 Isaac wrapped up his first session of gymnastics with a parachute play day!

 We got swept up in all the Cubs playoff fever!

 Isaac had his Halloween party at school, he loved it!

The Saturday just before Halloween, all the boys got to go to a party at the karate dojo!
 It was a full house and lots of fun!
 Sam and I went for a long walk in a local forest preserve, this fall weather has been great!
 We carved our pumpkins!  This year it was a lot more fun as the boys are much more involved now.
 This picture sums up the guts part: Sam was all in and loved it, Noah hated it but soldiered on, and Isaac used a scooper rather ineffectively and required adult assistance!
 Sam's paw print was a hit and nice and easy to do!
 Isaac jammed out to some tunes while Daddy carved his spooky skeleton skull.
 Noah did a lot of his Harry Potter one pretty much on his own!
 Finished products!
 Sam has discovered his talent for kneading dough and his recently become my baking buddy!
 Isaac created what he called a "guitar" using a slinky and a golf club.
 Noah upped his perler bead game and made a 3D minecraft torch on his own.
 Pumpkins out in the dark!
 Having Halloween on a Monday is not ideal, but we forged ahead and went off to school!
 My parents came and stayed with Isaac so I was able to go to Noah's party and to see the parade.  Pikachu was pretty easy to spot in his bright yellow!
 Noah said this was his favorite costume because everyone recognized him, there were shouts of "Harry Potter!" all day!
 Mrs. VanderVeen's 3rd grade, pretty fun crowd!
 Sam's depiction his own costume, pretty good I'd say.
 That evening we went trick or treating with Darth and Chewbacca (aka Deven and Makenna from across the street).  The weather was beautiful and we were able to go much farther than years past (ergo more candy!).
 November has started off unseasonably warm, so we've had plenty of time to be outside.  Isaac helped bamma sand some wood for an upcoming Christmas project.
 THE CUBS WON THE WORLD SERIES!  It was a crazy series that we watched and I stayed up to see that last game.  I cannot believe they did it!  It's been so fun to live near Chicago and to be part of all the excitement.  From folks playing "Go Cubs Go" from their cars or in all our schools, to the neighbors "Flying the W" at 12am after that last game, it has been so fun!
 We like to think our shirts helped out Arrieta, Bryant, and Zobrist with the win!  Way to go Cubbies!

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