Saturday, April 21, 2018

Mike hits the big 4-0

The weather is FINALLY cooperating around here and starting to feel a bit like spring.  Isaac and I were able to take Bamma out for lunch to Palmer Place on a sunny Thursday last week!
Barry the tortoise continues to thrive and amuse.  He loves eating and is pretty messy when he does eat, often getting food stuck on his face.
We prepared for the big 40th birthday party by finding some old photos of the twins.
 Philie did an amazing job with matching Chemistry and Biology birthday cakes!

 We had our cousin, Ella, there to help wrangle the kids and take the Rodriguez boys home when it got too late for them!
 We had about 60 family and friends join us at The Ram in Schaumburg.
 Happy 40th, Dr. Dad!
 It also just so happened to be Josh's birthday too!
 Xavier was a trooper and last through the whole shindig!
 My table was the COOLEST!
 Brandywine Drive represent!
 Mike outdid himself and this was the scene by 11:30pm.  Not good!  The next day he was severely hurting and claims that won't happen again until he's 50!
 Happy Birthday, Mike and Faith!  Wishing you happiness and healthy for another 40!
One of my fav pictures of the night, we had a lot of fun!
 This week we returned to a somewhat normal post-Birthday bonanza schedule.  Sam rocked crazy hair day with some blue hairspray!
So, onward to better weather and more time outside!

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