Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sam turns 9!

July continues to be a month full of wild fun.  Isaac was able to have sleepovers with grandparents this week, he loves having his own special time with them.
 Sam got his money's worth for a shaved ice at the local pool!
 We started off Sam's birthday celebration weekend with a trip to Taco Bell.  Since only he and I enjoy it, it's a rare occasion.  He pounded through a burrito, taco, nacho fries, and cinnamon twists.  Maybe 9 is the year he sprouts!
 On the day of his party, we were able to have his friend, Leah over to play for awhile beforehand.  They had a great time playing and visiting with Barry.
 Sam opted for a friend party at Rockin Jump, the local trampoline place.  He had 7 guests and 2 brothers come to celebrate with him.  Dodgeball was very popular!
 Sam was happy to spend time with his friends from school!
 Cake maker dad came through again, this time with a rock cake!

 On his actual birthday, we celebrated with cinnamon rolls and bacon!
 Noah was off on his special sleepover, so Isaac, Sam and I went on a special hike around the Spring Valley area, it was lovely!
 And of course we wrapped up all the birthday fun with a trip to DQ.  They loved the new sour patch kid flavored blizzard.
 Sam got a lot of cool birthday presents, he's really been enjoying the nerf style bow and arrow set out in the field across the street.  Isaac is happy to fetch the arrows for him and mom is happy to have them outside running around!
 In other news, Mike is switching jobs.  He is wrapping up his last week at Maxxim/BV and his coworkers gave him a "super soft" parting gift (if anyone watches Letterkenny, they might know the reference).  The team knew just what he liked, diet coke, chocolate, and generous giftcards to the movies and arcade!
So, Sam is 9 and we are still cranking out the summer fun.  Looking forward to our next adventure - a trip to Mexico and time off with Mike!

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