Friday, July 30, 2021

Sam is 11!

Our sweet Sam turned 11!  This year we surprised him a week early with a bounce house/water slide rental!

I think we managed to surprise him pretty well!  We also had a group of surprise guests that rolled in over the course of the afternoon/evening.
Aunt Philie came with a giant donut cake!
He was so thrilled that some of his friends from school came and some neighbor friends too!
Later in the day, the Bencola family showed up with their girls!
Birthday king!
In the evening, some of our family members came too, it was a great day!
Rocking his golf socks with his Arnold Palmer drink.
Lots of summer crafts.  He calls this one, "Captain America on a budget."
On his actual birthday, he wanted to spend the morning doing some fabric painting.  We had white hoodies and lots of paint.  It was so fun to see what they chose to design and how careful and thoughtful they were.  Craft projects are fun now, not just crazy disasters!

DQ ice cream cake, as requested!
They even kept adding pieces the next day, so fun.
On his last day of golf camp, they had a blast hitting water balloons instead of golf balls.
Just a cat being a cat.

Mike's buddy, Corey, drove out from Iowa for a visit.  There was much D&D playing and discussion.
Uncle Josh took Sam out to the driving range for fun this week too.
He really is the heart of our family.  Love you, sweet middle kid!

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