Friday, December 24, 2021

Happy Holidays 2021!

As is our tradition - may I present our quotable moments from 2021!

January - Isaac threw a snowball at Mike and yelled, “this is for countless reasons!”

February - Mike attempted to paint the dining room, but discovered the color wasn’t right and decided it had to be repainted. As he was taping off the walls for the 2nd time, Isaac helpfully offered “it would be much more efficient to just paint the color you actually want this time.”

February - I was singing to kids during card games “you’ve guy high hopes...” Isaac riffed on it, “I’ve got medium hopes!”

February - Isaac about recess at school “we played mostly on the laptop (blacktop)”

April - I was talking to Isaac about future career when he said, “I want to be a marshmallow in space.” I jokingly wondered aloud about what kind of degree one might need to do that. He said, “probably 100 degrees or 200.”

April - Sam was riding in the car with Mike to his office, and they saw a giant bird. Sam excitedly yelled “look it’s an ostrich, I mean a flamingo!” It was a large heron.

June - While on vacation with Townsends in Mexico, we all crowded together in elevator. After a moment of silence, Isaac giggled “so much awkward touching!”

June - Again, while on vacation I went snorkeling Isaac. He did well for a few minutes, but then wigged out and I had to drag him to shore. He, between sobs, told me, "I'm just not a very good mouth breather!"

July - Sam our resident crafter, was making a cardboard shield. He told us, “I’m Captain America on a budget!”

August - While on vacation with the Desai - Gruenhagens in Oregon, we told Isaac that this was an appropriate audience for "yo momma" jokes. Later, we had another discussion about what swear words were allowed and which ones were not. We discussed the word "a**hole" and how that was NOT allowed. Later that night, Isaac attempted a yo mamma joke with combined use of the phrase “dirty A word” which resulted in "your momma is so fat her family trees goes in one dirty A word." Top notch parenting!

August - Mike texted me randomly during the work day “where do you want to retire to?” I sent back long text "maybe Arizona, but not all the time, perhaps Tennessee" and then I ask why. After a slight pause "uh, it's your target security question."

September - Isaac asked Mike if his food contained “fartic” acid

October - Mike (fun dad) got donuts on a Sunday morning. The kids all asked for long johns. He went to local shop where they are not quite like massed produced ones and some are slightly different shaped. Isaac asked “what are these, short johns?!”

October - Sam and Isaac were carving pumpkins for Halloween. Isaac was not a fan of handling the innards and stated, "oh my gourd!"

November - Sam was helping me in doubling a cookie recipe, “mom can I write this down and show my work?” Absolutely kiddo!

December - Isaac was baking cookies with Uncle Josh and Josh asked if he needed a stool to reach the counter. Isaac confidently says, “no, I’m 4 foot 2 now!”

December - We all went to see the Brookfield Zoo lights with my mom. We walked around in the cold enjoying it all. We came upon a large, central display and I said, "look at the giant giraffe!" It was a reindeer. Mike helpfully added "yep, I've seen a lot of red nosed giraffes!"

1 comment:

Stan and Jess said...

Did noah speak at all this year?