Tuesday, May 27, 2008

To the lake, to the lake!

We had a very enjoyable holiday weekend! Noah had his first trip up to my parents lakehouse in Michigan. He was great on the car ride (slept both ways) and seemed to enjoy hanging with his grandparents, various aunts and uncles, and all his crazy cousins. Of course he had to wear his first swim/lake outfit even though he didn't take a dip in the 50 degree water. He looked so cute, but quickly decided he was not a fan of mommy playing dress up with him. He's officially 2 months old now and quite the bruiser.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! The lakehouse. Fun times! :)

Hard to believe that when the FL7 was there...none of us had even announced we were pregnant. Well, here we are at almost the 1-year anniversary of that trip and since then have had the arrival of 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3.

Don't worry, I am not blaming it on the water. ;)