Friday, May 29, 2009

Memorial Day

We had a wonderful time up at Diamond Lake this weekend. Grandma and Grandpa lavished Noah with a steady stream of donuts and blueberries. Josh and his girlfriend Tia were there as were Val and her boyfriend Taylor. There was an intense bags tournament that ended with me being on every losing team (we played couples, girls vs boys, and old vs young). We even got Grandma and Grandpa to play. It was awesome! The bags set was a housewarming gift from Mike's sister Kim.

On a sidenote: CONGRATS ANDREA and NIC! They had a baby girl yesterday, Kyndal Ann (not sure if there's an 'e' on Ann, sorry!). Yeaaaaaaa!

1 comment:

Ryane said...

when i saw that 2nd picture, i thought what the heck does abby have on her head?? but i think it's just flowers behind you right? if not then, um, cool headband. ;)