Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Winter Boredom

We've been enduring another Chicago winter. This has involved the return of deadly icicles hanging off the house, snow piled up to the top of the mailbox out at the curb, and the dreaded cabin fever. So we've been taking this cooped up status and trying to make the most of it. This last weekend it meant a mohawk for Noah. He thought it was hilarious and kept checking himself out in the mirror and laughing at his shadow. His father and Uncle Josh on the other hand were NOT fans, but hey when mommy wakes up with him early on Saturday morning, this is what happens....


Erin Sinnokrak said...

Oh, I think the faux-hawk is FANTASTIC!!

And I too was eyeing those icicles for a photo op when I was over, Abby.

What do they say about great minds?

(other than that they're hidden under a pile of died blonde hair?!)

ryane said...

i figured mike was the one who gave him the mohawk!