Friday, May 14, 2010

New Dishwasher, New Activity!

We've had a busy week! We finally got our new dishwasher delivered (it was purchased on IL cash for clunkers appliance day back in mid-april). It's lovely even if it doesn't match our white on white on white kitchen. It even plays a little jingle when the dishes are clean, very exciting stuff. Noah also got to try out scissors for the first time this week. He needs some help figuring out where all his fingers go and orienting the scissors on the paper. But, overall it was a big hit. Noah loves snipping the edges around his pictures. He seems to know the rules for now, "no cutting fingers, no cutting clothes, no cutting Ellie, cut the paper." I'm sure it's just a matter of time before he tries something like his hair, but for now we are enjoying our new found activity!


Erin Sinnokrak said...

I'm impressed that he bypassed the safety scissors and went right to the jab-yer-eye-out pair! Goooo No-No!

KEO said...

Seriously -- those look like "real" scissors! Awesome. And I like the dishwasher, too -- I love appliances that make some sort of robotic beeping noise to let you know they've done their business!