Saturday, May 22, 2010

Updating the look

Yes yes, I have changed to blog layout for you (few) faithful readers. So hope you like it. Just a quick note, we are NOT planning on naming the baby Moses. It's just the nickname that both Josh and Philie came up with, separate from each other creepily enough. We do have a name, but we're not publicizing it until the big day. And yes, I went with my earlier of the two due dates (July 26th vs. August 3rd) as it's the one the doctor is sticking to and the one I'd prefer. So again, hope you like the changes. If not, suck it, I'm pregnant, don't piss me off...


Ryane said...

I like the new look! I'm a faithful follower! So now that I told you our baby name, you're going to tell me yours right??

KEO said...

Diggin' the new look!
My money is still on "Matt" Rodriguez.