Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sam Dan: The Arrival

So now that we're home and settled, I can catch up on some blogging and share some photos of Sam Dan with you all. Yes, Sam Dan, is what Noah is calling him, so we'll see if it sticks. Here's my version of his arrival. Thursday morning was pretty normal, Uncle Bob took Noah swimming and then he and I ate some lunch. When I put Noah down for his nap at 12:30pm, I noticed I had a few contractions. Nothing major or regular, and I had been having contractions on and off all week, so I wasn't too worried. I fell asleep for a bit, so I figured it was done. I had a few more, but never closer than about 10 min apart. Finally at about 2:45 I figured it was the real deal. So I called Mike at work, told him no rush but to come home. My dad was in Itasca nearby, so he came over to get Noah and Ellie. By the time Mike got home and we got on the road it was 4pm, lovely traffic time. So the contractions, of course, went from moderate pain every 7 min to more difficult pain every 2-3 minutes during the car trip. It took us an hour to get there, meanwhile I was thinking "boy, I certainly hope we have enough time for the epidural!" I was admitted at 5pm and was 7cm dialated. They tried really hard to get the required fluids in me and blood platelet check done so that I could get the epidural, but in a half hour I got to 9cm dialated. So it was decided that the epidural would do no good and that plan was abandoned. I was scared, but I didn't really have a choice. They paged the dr, not my dr, but one in the practice. She raced in and they threw scrubs on and acted like the kid was going to be flying out any moment. They nearly guaranteed that he would arrive in 1-2 pushes. Problem was, my water hadn't broken therefore Sam had not turned to the face down delivery position. So I pushed and screamed and pushed for about 30 min as his skull pushed on my tailbone. They had me turn on my side and eventually he flipped over and arrived. It was the most painful thing I've ever done, but obviously the instant it was over I felt tremendously better. Mike was a great coach. I can't even imagine what it was like for him as I clutched his arms, bit his jeans, and screamed "IT HURTS SO BAD!" Sam popped out and everyone was surprised how little he was, considering the stubbornness he showed in turning over. But he was fine, I was fine, and by 7:00 big brother Noah was visiting. I would probably not do it again that way, but it all worked out as it should! More photos of Sam's first few days to come later. Thanks to all our friends and family for their love and support!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am officially doubling up on my bc pill to avoid another little one after that story! I shall never tell anyone I was in pain ever again...I hurt just reading your story!!!! You are my hero!

Kiss Noah and Sam Dan for us!

~Katie and Ally