Saturday, August 27, 2011


If you would like to see what pure, unadulterated joy looks like. Here ya go! This past week I started up school in earnest. It was a good week and I'm starting to figure things out and enjoy my new position. The boys have adjusted well to having Daddy day (Monday), Michelle day (Tuesday), and Bampa day (Wednesday). I also noticed I actually missed being with them, so we did lots more fun things than typical on Thursday and Friday.

On Friday we went to visit my former employer, Bonnie McBeth Learning Center in Plainfield. It was great to see all the wonderful people who work there, and they were happy to see the boys as well. It was a little bittersweet to see a place I've grown to love over the last 6 years and to know I am not working there now, but it was good. AND, since they had a superhero themed start to the year, there was plenty of leftover goodies for Noah. One of our administrators steps into her office and says, "wait I think I have some stickers" and comes back out with these balloons. It was a fun car ride home and both boys were laughing and poking balloons while I was trying to change lanes blindly. But we got them home (along with about 400 stickers) and everyone was happy!

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