Tuesday, April 7, 2009

One more stats update...

So Noah went in for his big 12 month check up. He's doing great, pretty much right on track for everything. He's weighing in 22 lbs 11 oz and 31 inches long. That means in his first year of life he has tripled in weight and grown 10 inches, incredible! He's been enjoying all his wonderful birthday gifts, thanks to everyone. Not walking yet, but he's busy enough just crawling and cruising on furniture. We're not exactly sure if we'll be able to keep up once he figures out he can walk, so we'll enjoy this stage now! He's eating like a beast, enjoying pretty much anything that's put in front of him. Yesterday it was a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast and a hot dog for lunch! And, finally (in the most important news for his mommy the speech pathologist) he has started saying a few words. They aren't consistent yet, but we're pretty sure we've heard "ma" and "da" for mom and dad (he's a good chicago kid with no mama or dada, just straight up ma and da with the short vowels). We also have gotten "up" and "yes" at points this week. Very exciting stuff! Looking forward to his first Easter as a toddler!

1 comment:

ryane said...

go Noah go!