Thursday, July 23, 2009

Belly Boy

A few days ago we spent some time outside without a suit on! It was overcast (yes, I still put sunscreen on him) so he went in just his diaper. This is totally just a "he's so darn cute" post. I just couldn't stop taking pictures of our chunky little man. Look at the rolls he's rocking on his legs! We were dogsitting Webster, Noah kept desperately trying to share with Webster, it was so funny. That last picture there is him pointing out an airplane. Since we live under an O'Hare flight path he's pointing up just about every 3 minutes during the peak arrival times.


Phil Hewes said...

What a funny little guy. I wish we were all this happy.

Grandpa Phil

Ryane said...

i haven't seen him in so long! he's changing a lot! can't wait to see you guys next week.