Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Feeding time a the zoo!

Noah is quite the eater these days. Well, I guess he's always been an eater. But lately it's gotten out of hand. On the trip he devoured Tia's poppyseed muffin sans hands. Then this morning I left him for literally 10 seconds while I ran to take some trash out. Mistake! A 15 month old plus a cup of milk within reach minus parent supervision equals.... a mess! We went to the doctor yesterday. Noah is weighing in at 24 pounds even (the 50% for his age) and 32 inches tall (the 75% for his age). This means he gained about 1.5 pounds and grew 1 inch in the last 3 months. So perhaps the eating is necessary. I just wish it didn't require all the clean up!


Erin Sinnokrak said...

Hilarious! They say not to cry over spilled milk, right? Looks like Noah was laughing his little butt off in that high chair!

Ryane said...

get spill-proof cups!!!