Friday, July 17, 2009

Monster Cookies with the Monsters

Philie and I got the crazy idea of making monster cookies in our heads this week (thanks, JOSH). So we gathered the ridiculous amount of supplies (12 eggs, 18 cups of oatmeal, 3lbs of peanut butter, etc...) and got to work on Wednesday. Thank goodness the boys are old enough to "help" and/or play together fairly well. We made the dough in the morning and started baking in the afternoon. After 4 hours of bake time and nearly 100 cookies we were beat. It was an experience that I'm sure we'll repeat in 1-2 years. Mike, we need a kitchen remodel with double ovens, stat! Oh and that last picture, Fred is on his tip toes. He is taller than Noah, but not THAT much taller.


Erin Sinnokrak said...

That last picture was captioned in my head as "MOMMMMMM, can I have a cookie PLEEEEEEEEEZZZE?!?!?!"

Good lord, ladies ... 3 lbs of peanut butter? Monster cookies indeed.

Kelly B. said...

Yum... send some my way... if the boys haven't eaten them all already...