Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sickday Saturday

It seems we have had sickness in our house since August. I know I should be thankful, it's been only colds and such, but we have had our share of runny noses, cruddy coughs, and burning sore throats to last us through 2013! This week we've been hit with trying to prep for time change (keeping the boys up later) although this sometimes results in random napping, as evidenced by the picture below. On Wednesday my dad had the boys and Sam did not nap according to plan. He napped during his haircut, well his partial haircut. When they woke him to do the back, he had a meltdown so he's now rocking a semi-mullet. Awesome.
So, what do you do on a cold Saturday when everyone is coughing? You make cookies! Mike stayed home today due to his feeling awful. He managed to pull himself off the couch to participate in the cookie assembly line. Here's what we were making.... cutie bugs!
Here's our quality control expert, he checked out all the ingredients for us. Pretzels? Check. Nutter butter cookies? Check. Mini M&Ms? Check. Melted chocolate candy coating? Check.
Noah has really been into helping do things in the kitchen lately, so he and daddy donned their matching jammy pants and got to work. Mike was the dipper and Noah was the decorator...

The cutie bugs turned out to be much more difficult then advertised (aren't all projects like that!). So we did some random decorating of our own. You got your ghosts, your snowmen, your silly faces, whatever....
We do have one cutie bug worthy of posting. Isn't he cute? Here's to hoping everyone feels adjusted and better soon!

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